Carol Faye (Chapman) Cox, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and sister, passed away peacefully with family by her side at her home in Bakersfield, CA on Friday, April 22, 2022, at the age of 84. Many words have been used by her family and friends to describe Carol – unconditionally loving, generous, kind, God-fearing, happy. But what Carol loved the most by far was her family – all of her family. Carol was born in Bakersfield, California and was raised in Lamont, California. Carol met her husband, of 52 years, Bobby Cox in 1955 on a double date which was set up by friends. They married a few months later in February 1956 and their first child, Valerie Cox, was born in January 1957. Carol and Bobby welcomed their first son, Richard Cox, into the world. Following the birth of their first two children was the birth of their second son, Bobby Cox, in March 1959. Their marriage took them for short periods of their life out of Bakersfield into the Los Angeles area, but Kern County was their home because this is where their family was also. She was proceeded in death by her parents Carl and Connie Chapman, and in 2008 by her husband Bobby Cox. She is survived by her children Valerie (Cox) Weichelt (Gary), Richard Cox (Pam) and Bobby Cox (Jennifer), her sister Joan Shields, her sister-in-law Margie Patton, her fifteen grandchildren and thirty-eight great-grandchildren. During her lifetime Carol enjoyed attending church regularly, baking, cooking and large family gatherings. Carol always had a knack for remembering dates and names of her family’s important events. Those who visited her at her home would often compliment her on her family board hanging proudly on the wall in the living room. Carol worked for a variety of employers including a donut shop, Arrowhead and concluded her working career at the Kern County Welfare Department as an eligibility worker for 23 years. She retired from the department in March 2005 to care for her husband. It never mattered to Carol the time of day nor which day of the week it was when someone in family made time to stop by and visit her. Her family could always count on the warmest and longest hug from her. Those hugs and kisses will be missed forever. May she rest in peace – God rest her soul.