Leticia Shawnte Pickens was born on September7, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA to Charles Bernard Pickensand Iola Salina Sherman. She lived in Los Angeleswith her mother and two of her siblings. Leticiaattended Reseda High School until the family movedto Sylmar, CA. where she graduated from SylmarHigh. She went on to graduate from Mission Collegewith an Associate's Degree in English. Afterrelocating to Bakersfield, CA., she continued hereducation and pursued a variety of interests includingGraphic Arts and Teaching.A natural comedian, Leticia was the life of everyparty from an early age. She was extremely creativeand good at pretty much anything she set her mind to.She enjoyed a variety of activities from her art andcreative writing to couponing. Leticia was anentrepreneur who created her own bath bombs andsalts, purse charms, and bracelets. Leticia never met astranger. Everyone she'd meet would become animmediate friend. Leticia was a Queena selfie queen,social media queen, drama queen, make-up queenyou name it and she owned it, royally! #AllThat!Leticia was very family oriented and is survivedby her mother, Iola Guerra; her sisters Tanika, Rada,Jenny, Streva, Gisla, LaTrina, LaDrina; her brothersMarty, Charles Jr., David, and Tony; her brother inlawStephen; her nieces Shayne, Amaya, Leiha; hernephew Michael IV; and a host of other nieces,nephews, aunties, uncles, and cousins including her"Ride or Cry Baby" Chloe. She was proceeded in herpassing by her father Charles Pickens Sr.